Healthcare News
Treating Arthritis with Physical Therapy
Working with a physical therapist can help you manage symptoms, increase mobility, and improve physical function. They’ll also teach you specific exercises and techniques that can allow you to move with less pain and greater ease.
Silk Proteins Strengthen Tendon Repair and Tissue Regeneration
Researchers at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) have turned to a silk protein, silk fibroin (SF), produced by the Bombyx mori silkworm as a biomaterial for tendon repair. The researchers report their method has yielded significant improvements in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) tendon regeneration.
Steroid injections may provide longer lasting benefits for hip pain than current best care
Steroid injections appear to lead to significantly greater pain relief and movement for up to four months than current best care in adults with hip osteoarthritis, finds a trial published by the BMJ today.
How to care for your sore hands and wrists when your life is online
We are back to pounding keyboards and swiping phones for another year. But with so much of today's learning, working and socializing happening via devices, hand and wrist injuries are both common and hard to recover from.
Long-term positive impacts and cost effectiveness of tailored exercise for those over 65 with mobility limitations
REACT—otherwise known as the REtirement in ACTion program—is an innovative, behavior change intervention targeted specifically at older adults who are beginning to experience mobility limitations
Data science to help find the most appropriate rehabilitation methods for osteoarthritis patients
While no good structure modifying drugs are available to prevent or treat osteoarthritis, various forms of therapeutic exercise have been shown to be useful in relieving pain and improving physical functionality. A recent study uses data science and mathematical models to find the most suitable rehabilitation method for each patient.
What exercises should people with hip arthritis avoid?
People with hip arthritis can use exercise as a way to improve their mobility and reduce pain and stiffness. However, certain types of exercises may worsen the pain
Nano-Improvements to Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Show Success
An article published in the journal Biomaterials shows that CuS@MnO2 nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized with a short bacteriophage-selected mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) targeting peptide allowed the MSCs to take up these NPs. NP-modified MSCs produced greatly improved therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) using stem cells.
Does body mass index impact pain in individuals with hand osteoarthritis?
In a study in Arthritis & Rheumatology of people with hand osteoarthritis, higher body mass index was associated with greater pain severity in the hands, feet, knees, and hips.
Exercise could help broken bones heal faster
If you've ever broken a bone, you probably thought it was best to rest and not put any weight on it. But somewhat counter-intuitively, exercise may actually play an important role in making sure fractures heal properly. In fact, research shows that being physically active can promote bone healing—and even help you avoid future fractures.