Healthcare News
Stem cell therapy repairs injured tendons
Due to overuse or age-related degeneration, tendon injuries have become a common clinical problem. Damaged tendons heal slowly, and current treatments often can’t manage the pain. They also are unable to restore the tendon’s original structure and functionality.
The promise of regenerative medicine to treat chronic pain
The use of regenerative medicine to lessen chronic pain holds enormous potential, and the body of evidence to support the practice is growing
Exercise recommendations for people with chronic pain
Exercise, which can take the form of simple physical activity such as walking, is good for people with joint pain. Joints were made to move and if we don't move them they'll get stiff, creaky, even more painful and our muscles, which are extremely important for protecting our joints against harmful movements, will weaken—exposing them to even greater harm.
What exercises can help relieve TMJ pain?
People experiencing pain due to a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can try a range of exercises to relieve it. These exercises can improve jaw strength and mobility.
Physical activity reduces cardiovascular risk in rheumatic patients
The risk of developing atherosclerosis—a narrowing of the arteries as cholesterol plaque builds up, leading to obstruction of blood flow—is higher for people with autoimmune rheumatic diseases than for the general population. The good news, according to a new study published in Rheumatology, is that regular exercise is a powerful weapon against vascular dysfunction in these patients.
Nonsurgical treatments expand knee OA care options
Knee osteoarthritis accounts for about 80% of the burden of OA worldwide, and published studies show it contributes more than $27 billion in health care costs annually.
Exercise and mental health during COVID-19: Study explores link, trends
A new study found that the anxiety and stress that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic have made it less likely that people will engage in physical activity that could help them maintain their mental health. The results showed that those who have remained physically active during the pandemic have done so primarily to maintain their mental health. For others, mental health problems have become a barrier to exercise.
Regenerative medicine: industry trends
Regenerative medicine is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to develop the science and tools that can help repair, augment, replace, or regenerate damaged or diseased human cells, tissues, genes, organs, or metabolic processes, to restore normal function.
Knee Osteoarthritis: Be Cautious During These 5 Exercises
If you have osteoarthritis of the knees, exercise should and can still be a part of your lifestyle. The key is to know the right exercises and the right way to do them.
Stem Cell Osteoarthritis Studies Advance
A Canadian doctor is recruiting patients for a "first of its kind" stem cell research project for osteoarthritis. The Phase II study could further advance the use of regenerative medicine in treating osteoarthritis, a joint disease for which treatment options are currently limited to pain medication, steroid injections or joint replacement surgery.